Wyoming Geological Association

Where Geoscientists Come to Explore and Learn


Wyoming Geologic Association

Who Can Be a Geo Wives Member?

Membership shall be comprised of:

a) paid women members of the Wyoming Geological Association (WGA) or
b) wives of paid members of the WGA or
c) women geoscientists, energy professionals or mining engineers or
d) wives of geoscientists, energy professionals or mining engineers or
e) widows of geoscientists, energy professionals or mining engineers or
f)  women family members of energy related professionals. 

Any active member who has met the above criteria and is subsequently divorced may continue as a member.

How Can I Join?

Yearly membership dues are $15.00.

Join or Renew

Geo Wives functions run from September to May, with a break during summer. See "The Gusher" for more information.

Contact Joanie Dunlap 307-267-7431 for more information or with any questions.

Luncheon Social Events (2024)

The programs for this year’s luncheons are diverse and the venues were carefully selected to try to please as many people as possible! Here are the dates and program information:

1/9/2024 Silver Fox Vita Sana Olive Oil Co., Casey VanVleck
"Olive Oil and Vinegar Pairing"
2/13/2024 Casper Country Club Kent Sundell
"Meteorite Storm"
280-Million-Year-Old WY Impact Site
(Significant Others Invited)
3/12/2024 Silver Fox "Osher Lifelong Learning Institute" (OLLI) Noon
4/9/2024 Casper Country Club

Jane Hamman, Harpist
"70th Anniversary Celebration Tea"

5/14/2024 Silver Fox

Larry Forsberg
"All Property Auctions"


2023-2024 Geo Wives Board Members

President Joanie Dunlap
1st Vice President Maribeth Plocek
2nd Vice President (Programs) Donna Fox, Gretchen Hogan & Sharon Carpenter
Secretary Ann Pfaff
Treasurer Ann Pfaff
Reservations Diane Kasler
Hospitality Sue Moore
Photographer/Social Media Maribeth Plocek
Activities (Fall Brunch) Lynne Swank & Nanci Andrew
Past President Liz King

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