Dedication: Brent Breithaupt
In Memoriam
Greetings and Editor’s Comments
List of WGA Officers and Field Conference Committee
Wyoming Stratigraphic Chart
1. Dinosaur Exhibits in Wyoming, Brent H. Breithaupt and Jerry Nelson
2. The Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, Kent Sundell, Ph.D
3. Paleontological Resource Management on Public Lands, Laurie J. Bryant, Ph.D.
4. Wyoming’s First Discovered Dinosaur, Brent H. Breithaupt
Dinosaur Mechanics:
5. Dinosaur Tail Dynamics, Leslie Gertsch, Ph.D.
Dinosaur Exploration:
6. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Bone-Cabin Quarry, Stephen P. Gardiner and Louis H. Taylor
Stratigraphy and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary:
7. The “Great Lignite,” “Ceratops Beds” and Associated Lithostratigraphic Units at the K-T Boundary, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Harold A. Boyd
8. The K-T Boundary as Sussex, Wyoming – Evidence for a Major Extinction Event at the End of the Age of Dinosaurs, Douglas J. Nichols and Janet L. Brown
Descriptions of Wyoming’s Dinosaurs and Reptiles:
9. Wyoming’s Dinosaur Diversity, Brent H. Breithaupt
10. The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs in Wyoming, Spencer G. Lucas
11. Late Jurassic Dinosaur Localities in the Morrison Formation of Northeastern Wyoming, John R. Foster and James E. Martin
12. Dinosaurs of the Lance Formation in Eastern Wyoming, Kraig Derstler, Ph.D
13. Tyrannosaurus Sex, Peter L. Larson
14. Apatosaurus Yahnahpin: A Preliminary Description of a New Species of Diplodocid from Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of Southern Wyoming, James Filla and Pat Redman
15. A Preliminary Description of Two New Marine Reptiles from the Upper Sundance Formation, Wyoming, Melissa Drake and William Wahl, Jr.
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