Wyoming Geological Association

Where Geoscientists Come to Explore and Learn

WGA In-Person Luncheon ~ Stephen Whitaker, Senior Petroleum Geologist, Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute

WGA In-Person Luncheon ~ Stephen Whitaker, Senior Petroleum Geologist, Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute

Friday, September 13th

In-person luncheon, Ramkota (Teton Room): 800 N Poplar St, Casper, WY 82601 ($20 for lunch)

Who: Stephen Whitaker

Job Title/From: Senior Petroleum Geologist, Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute

Title: Interesting Observations at the Minnelusa Outcrop, Glendo Reservoir


Subsurface work at the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute has led to the development of a new method for correlating beds within the Upper Minnelusa. This new method can be used to help develop strategies to improve and enhance production in existing fields. Outcrop work is helpful in supporting or modifying the work being conducted in the subsurface and the exposures at Glendo reservoir were looked upon as a great opportunity to do just that. Upon examination, however, it was obvious that the Minnelusa sands there had been disturbed by some penecontemporaneous event that had not-as-yet been defined. A fortuitous publication regarding a theoretical major meteor impact in extreme southeastern Wyoming, about 100 miles away, might provide a clue to the observations observed.


Mr. Whitaker received his Bachelor’s Degree in Geology from the University of Southern California in 1975 and his Master’s Degree in Geology from the University of Colorado in 1978.  He began his professional career in Denver, working as an exploration geologist with both major and independent oil companies and helping find several new fields in the Powder River and Williston basins. The collapse of the oil industry in the mid-1980s led him to work for the Illinois State Geological Survey, where he published numerous articles and lectured on new exploration concepts and on enhanced oil recovery methods. Steve founded and ran his own oil company in 1992 and for the next 18 years owned and operated numerous oil wells in the Illinois Basin while also conducting exploration and enhanced oil recovery projects. He then worked for Devon Energy in Oklahoma City developing and evaluating unconventional oil plays in the Illinois Basin and in the Eagle Ford play in Texas. Steve has been with the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute since 2017.

Event Information

Event Date 09-13-2024 10:45 am
Event End Date 09-13-2024 1:00 pm
Capacity 50
Individual Price Members $20, Student Members $10
Location Ramkota Casper

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